02 February 2005

things i do and dont like to eat - by tiana

Things I like to eat:
  1. milk(number one on the list)
  2. anything mummy and daddy are eating
  3. porridge (I am half Scottish after all)
  4. soil
  5. leaves
  6. dead insects mmmm crunchy, now I know what my teeth are for
  7. socks, mine are best but mummys are good
  8. paper especially tissue paper or important receipts
  9. eyes or noses of stuffed animals
  10. bananas
  11. anything in the supermarket trolley especially paper/plastic bags
  12. the guard rail on my stroller
  13. the handle on the wooden walker daddy made for me

Things I dont like to eat:

  1. soap! found this out two nights ago in the bath ewwww!
  2. oranges
  3. baby food
  4. cheese ewwwwww i can scrape it off my tongue and smear it all over things (so maybe it is not food, is it counted as a toy?)
  5. soap! i found out last night in the bath - seemed familiar though mmm

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