29 June 2005

my daddy is always telling my milk machine how smart i am! i know it, why dont they.

daddy went to sort something in the car and the front door swung shut and locked, i was sleeping on the floor but the bang of the door woke me up. waaaaaaa Waaaaaaa WAAAAAAA

so daddy goes round to the big window doors at the back of the house so i can see him and he calls me over. i really dont like being home alone! waaaa waaa sniffle sniffle

"What daddy? I cant hear you! Waaaaaaaa!"what is he saying, i wish he would come inside! oh right, wait i get it, he is locked out. WAAAAAAAAA!

daddy says "unlock the door, nana"oh ok, this is easy now i know what to do, i walk up to the window doors and pull down the latch thingy and then go to the other door and do the same daddy pushes the windows open, gathers me up in his arms and tells me how smart i am.

smarter than daddy anyway! i have never locked myself out!