28 February 2005

still poorly

poor little thing is still not very well, she is subdued but has a few happy moments, but i think her tummy is still sore and she still has a runny bum.

for the first time in her little life she is wearing disposables as i havent been able to keep up with the washing and drying of the cloth ones. she has a bit of a nappy rash cos of those horrid disposables, i am so glad that is it just once in a blue moon she has to wear them

we have no idea what caused it, but my tummy is still upset too, it may be a stomach flu rather than something we ate, as i think we would be ok by now if it was something we ate but who knows

all for now as i am k-nackered(to use your term mum) running around trying to get her better, dealing with the poo, not sleeping great and worrying. takes it out of you

1 comment:

Yael said...

please hurry up and get well soon Tia x x love Yael & Baby girl x x