27 March 2005

stupid things that foreigners do in taiwan!

when milk machine got home from her new job on friday she told me this story - even i know this is stupid and i am only one year old!

i have taken a new job at the navy base here in kaohsiung, this is a top security, armed and always on orange alert naval base. to get in (at the side gate) i must present photographic id, sign in and be accompanied to my classroom by a duty officer. as you would expect one has to dress appropriately, well the last teacher was turning up dressed in shorts, flip flops, unshaven and occasionally wearing a combat jacket, so they were talking about letting him go at the end of this month, he hastened his departure by doing the following:

turned up late for class, so late in fact that the duty officer that should have been there to escort him to class had gone, so there was no one to let him into the base. which leaves him several options

option 1: call his boss that is in the base and tell him he is waiting outside
option 2: go to the main gate and explain who he is, and get escorted to the classroom
option 3: (i still cant believe this) climb over the 3 metre high gate with razor wire on the top whilst carrying half a bottle of red wine

yes you guessed it he took option 3

upon entering the camp illegally he had yet more options, dressed in shorts, flip flops, wearing a combat jacket and carrying a bottle of wine (nearly finished by now!)

option 1: present himself to the first officer he saw and explain
option 2: stick to the roads and head to the classroom
option 3: take off cross country over shooting ranges(luckily unused at the time) refuse to stop when challenged by the armed military police, be wrestled to the ground and thrown in the brig!

again this smart fellow took option 3

he was handed over to the local police because the military police were not quite sure what to do with him, and now he is residing in the county jail (not a nice place) until the canadian authorities can come and chuck him out of the country!

good riddance!


Anonymous said...

Darling minx,
your milk machine must appear like the angel of good education to the naval base.
She is very important you know, big grown up men just like Daddy stand up and salute her when she comes into the class room, but dont worry you will still be allowed to shout, kiss and make her all messy.

I love and miss my little princess/minx
Tartan Grannie

Anonymous said...

Who the hell was this moron ? What was he thinking (or not in this case!!). Jeez!