07 December 2006
its a secret
"jingle bells jingle bells hey
had a farm,
play all day hey!"
"we wish you a mary juicemass
we wish you a marry juicemass
we wish you a marry juicemass
and a happy new ear"
yeah i love christmas
oh and mummy says that santa claus comes at christmas and i said "oh i member my daddy is santa claus, and he has a hat but its a secret"
18 November 2006
Dear Tiana
I thought that I would write you a letter this week my little princess about how funny, sweet, loving, imaginative and utterly frustrating you are!
You have had such a big personality for such a long time, that I would not have believed it getting any bigger but oh silly me you are getting a huge personality and not just one I may add but several people seem to live in your amazing imagination.
Every morning now as you wake up, you tell me who are today, the day starts like this "good morning mummy, my is princess fiona ok" and god help me if I dare to call you tiana by mistake. The clothes that you wear are dictated by which princess you are today and I need to make sure that all your dresses are clean, because the distress it causes if you cant have the perfect princess dress is just not funny! Although you have been known to wear the perfect princess dress either wet or dirty, if there was no other option!
Last night when we were hanging out by the pool with our friend Lisa, you enchanted us with your stories about your two baby rabbits, that have been following you around since grandad was here. Apparently they are pink, eat grass and cant swim. They have their own little imaginary cases to carry them in and as they are so heavy I have to carry them for you.
Your memory astounds me! Today walking by the pool, you looked into the cafe area and said "oooh mummy member Gak and Steve has a party there and daddy coming too, and daddy is Santa Claus" I nearly fell off my feet, Tiana darling that is 11 months ago, I thought two year olds couldn't remember what happened yesterday!
You are incredibly observant, and mirror everyone in your life with scary accuracy! One day this month you looked up at me with your little finger extended and said "look mummy, my is kinda like daddy" and then proceeded to pick your nose! You sound like me and are always playing little teacher, ordering your daddy and me around with your teacher voice. The kids in class are so sweet and follow your orders like you are just an extension of me

All your stories start with "Once up on a time, there was a little girl" even when the story is about a lion or an elephant.
The other morning you were melting down for no apparent reason, those are the meltdowns I find hardest to deal with as there seems to be nothing I can do to help, and I said to you "oh sweetheart, its confusing being two sometimes isn't it" and you looked up at me and said "mummy you sound like Gak!" then went off to play.
You talk in your sleep, I think because there are not enough hours in the day to do all the talking you want to do. I love hearing you switch from English to Chinese and back again when you are sleeping, maybe your dreams partners don't understand what you are saying and you have to make yourself doubly clear.
Bedtimes have become increasingly interesting, as your capacity of coming up with good excuses has expanded with your language skills. You always seem to start simple with things like "read me another story" or "mummy my is hungry" or "mummy my needs a drink of water" when those fail to work you get a little more imaginative. "mummy my baby rabbits are outside" or "listen mummy! That's my airplane coming. My have to go to Thailand now, bye bye"
I love the way when you don't want to do something you say "but mummy my washed hands already" or "mummy I was sleeping already, now it is time to wake up" of "mummy I finished eating already"
After you came home from a week in Thailand with your Gak and Uncle Steve I kind of hoped that my breast feeding career was over, but in the car on the way back from the airport you put your little hands on my chest and said "boobie now ok", then later that night in bed when you had drunk your fill you laid your head on my breast and said with such love and passion "ohhhh, I love you, boobie" I knew it was far from over. I really never expected to be breast feeding you 4 months before your 3rd birthday.
Well, my little darling, I find you amazing, funny, bizarre and fulfilling. I will try to write to you again soon
All my love, always
snow white says
"mummy, my is snow white"
"look mummy snow white has a beautiful dancing dress" and i show mummy my dress
"snow white has beautiful eyes" and i flutter my eyes at mummy
i hold my legs up and say "mummy snow white has beautiful legs"
"aaaaand mummy snow white has BIG feet, lucky snow white"
beauty according to tiana
just now my name is either princess fiona or snow white so, please, dont call me tiana!
i have to change my clothes at least four times a day, from one beautiful dancing dress to another
here is outfit 1 today

this is my blue dancing dress, i love it cos uncle steve got it for me
this is outfit number 2 today

cos the blue dress didnt look good with my face painting
this is my orange dress
this wasnt today

but it shows you what a dancing dress is for
and this is an outfit that i put together myself

11 November 2006
10 October 2006
dancing dress
mummy took me for a walk round the village and i saw all the ladies and alot of the men dressed up in their baiwan clothes getting ready to have a dance in the centre of the village. so i told mummy we had to go back to vuvus house and get my dress on.
i let mummy help me put on my dress because i was in a hurry and off we went.
when we got to the dancing place i said to mummy "you want to dance mummy?" she said no, so i looked into the crowd of people until i found a little boy and said "bye bye mummy" and went and took his hand on one side and his granny's hand on the other and off i went dancing.
i danced for ages then came back to mummy and said "ok bedtime mummy, nana is very tired"
30 September 2006
mummy said "yes tiana very stinky"
i said "mmm kaohsiung farted, say excuse me kaohsiung"
28 September 2006
the moon
"Where IS the moon?"
"maybe the moon is hiding behind the clouds" said mummy
i looked up, scratched my head, put my wee hand on my chin, tapped the finger on my cheek and said "possibly"
i dont know why mummy was laughing so much, it is possible that the moon is behind the clouds, isnt it?
22 September 2006
wow i have been in taiwan for nearly six years
so today, i took the class to cheng ching lake park for a morning out, we all had a great time, and as we were walking up to the upper play park area i saw something move near our feet!
it was an Asiatic Cobra, can i just say that again......... we nearly stepped on A COBRA!!!!
i have been here 6 years (did i say that already) and for the first time in all that time i saw a snake and nearly stepped on the fecking thing!
so we backed off slowly, with me wishing i had shoes on instead of sandals, and watched this hooded beauty rear up and spread its hood (i am pretty sure we were out of striking distance by then) watch us for a minute or two and then slither, slide and make lots of S shapes into the ditch, we followed it (not too closely) for about 5 minutes
what an amazing site to see!
21 September 2006
well......its started
our first day was a little shaky, starting with the mummies hanging out in the kiddies lounge and not seeming willing to leave - not through concern for their children but because it is a comfy space to hang out and chat! so at 10 (class starts at 9.30) i took the kids out for a walk to give them the hint to leave!
lunchtime wasnt good as the food i had ordered in didnt turn up, so i had to bundle the kids into the car and go buy food for them all!
nap time went well and the afternoon was fine until the mummy that wouldnt leave in the morning didnt turn up to pick up her son until 6pm - class finishes at 4.30! needless to say i was getting tired of his company by then lol
yesterday (wednesday) went great, parents droppped the kids off and left (yeeehaaa), lunch turned up on time and was yummy, the parents picked their kids up by 5pm and left immediately but both of the boys were saying to their mums - wo bu yao hui jia - or i dont want to go home! good sign i guess
tiana gets so excited that her friends come to her house every morning and hopefully this week we will find a few more friends for her
so i guess at the moment it is all good
17 September 2006
never the right time
well before you get excited, i am not pregnant, and no i do not have any money in the bank!
so i guess it is time to start my own business! (as i never listen to good advice)
i wonder to myself what the hell i am doing but i am doing it anyways

so here it is, what used to be the front of our lounge is now the play area

and in the middle the classroom space
and at the far end the "kiddies lounge" for storytime, quiet time and cooking of hotdogs and icecream (tiana does the cooking!)
it has been a couple of hard weeks getting it all ready as we have had to basically move house! the ground floor lounge moved up to the first floor but only after the second floor moved up to the third so that the first could move up to the second! you get the picture we moved house just not to anywhere new!
so far i only have three students! arrgh but i realise it will have to start slowly and build slowly, might mean working at nights for a few weeks to get us enough cash to keep going but if that is what it takes so be it, i am sick sick sick to the back teeth of working for money grabbing bosses, that dont give a shit about the students or the teachers
this is giving me the chance to do what i always wanted to - stay home with tiana and teach her as well - and i am getting paid for it, and as an extra bonus she has a couple of friends with her at home
so everyone send your good vibes, prayers or whatever spare cash you have to help get my little school running
26 August 2006
17 August 2006
the rice festival
22 July 2006
boom boom bear
15 July 2006
can you see the lightman?
mummy tried to go back to her school after lunchtime but she couldnt get out of the road because there was suddenly a river where the road used to be!
mummy asked a-bei at the little shop to help come pick me up (he has a big jeep) so off they set at 2:45 to drive the six minutes to my school, after taking more than hour and about 10 miles of back roads all blocked or getting blocked with water and rivers mummy decided to walk the last mile
mummy walked through waist and chest deep water trying a few different roads that were impassable til she finally found a way to my school, the principle was very surprised to see her as none of the other parents had made it there, and the teachers had started making dinner for everyone and laying down beds and blankets for the night
mummy bundled me up and carried me out of the school, i thought it was great all this water everywhere, people walking and pushing their scooters, me dangling my feet into the water, and laughing at the bubbles mummy's legs were making
mummy walked home the long way round because she knew some of the roads where still open on the way down might still be open on the way back
we sung songs all the way home including "i hear thunder, i hear thunder boom boom boom, can you see the lightman? can you see the lightman? boom boom boom"
all in all mummy did a good job and once we had gotten away from our school area the water was much shallower, only coming up to her thighs most of the time, we got back to a-beis shop and told him we were ok, he had had to get out of the area as it was getting to bad, with concrete blocks being pushed down the road by the water, and was surprised to see us so soon
we got home at 5:30 and daddy didnt get home until 9:30 after the rain had stopped and the floods had gone down a bit
mummy went to bed with me after we had mopped up the ground and fourth floors, she said she was really tired and that it was the best work out she had had in months!
14 July 2006
where are you?
so then mummy asked "what is mummy?"
i had to think about that for a minute mmmmmmmm
"mmmm mummy is a mum!"
when we get home i love to take all my clothes off and run around naked for a while shouting "look mummy nana no clothes"
i was sitting on the floor naked and said to mummy
"what happened?"
she looked at me, with my legs spread wide, sitting on the floor looking at my fanny and i said "willy where are youuuuuuu?"
mummy said "tiana you are a girl, like mummy, you dont have a willy"
i said "mmm what happened?" and looked some more for it "where are you willlllllly?"
11 July 2006
nanas words!
just now i love asking everybody about everything "whats that?" i ask it on average 200 times a day
but some words are mine all mine and no one else should use them
"i love you mummy" and mummy says "i love you nana" and i say "no mummy, thats nanas words"
i start singing "twinkle twinkle little star"
and then mummy sings "how i wonder what you are?"
"no mummy, thats nanas words!"
"oh look mummy a baaaaaaaaaby"
mummy says "aww what a cute baby"
"no mummy, baby is nanas words!"
and when the lala truck comes i sing "la la la la la"
and mummy starts singing!
"NO mummy, thats nanas words" (my mummy doesnt learn very fast does she?!)
so mummy asked me what words could she sayand i told her
"mummy you say blah blah blah blah!"
07 July 2006
watch out
"watch out everyboy nana is coming" i shout
"watch out trees nana is coming" i scream
"watch out mooooooon nana is here!"
and this morning when i was getting ready for school i was shouting out the door
"watch out rain nana is coming, you stop now k!" and it did
30 June 2006
mummy bought me a little kids toilet seat to put on the big toilet so now i dont just have to use the potty i can be a big girl too. mummy helps me by holding on to me so i dont fall off
silly mummy forget sometimes and goes to the toilet all by herself, but most of the time i remind her and say
"wait mummy, nanas coming, help you ok?"
"ok" says mummy
i hold on to mummys' knees and say
"its ok mummy nanas got you. hold on mummy dont fall off. be careful ok?"
23 June 2006
how to look taiwanese on a scooter!
1. look at my cousins' hilarious "how to look italian on a moped" on her blogspot all of her points apply www.rebelyael.blogspot.com
8. wear your shirt or coat back to front, i have no idea why but most people do it (not guilty)
9. carry as many people as possible, this means two adults, up to four children, only the driver is wearing a helmet, and possibly add the family dog (guilty of two adults, one child but all were wearing helmets)
10. move large, awkward and cumbersome items on your scooter, included and manditory are fridges, tvs, couches, gas bottles, replacement windscreens for your car and just about anything else you can think of (guilty of the tv and fridge oh and a huge potted plant that i couldnt see around)
11. livestock (or deadstock), upside down still living chickens in bunches of two or three on each side, a whole pig, dead (thankfully), small dogs must be carried int he basket in the front (not guilty on any charge)
12. if you chose to stop at a red light(optional) always stop under the nearest tree to the traffic light, rather than anywhere near the traffic light, thus avoiding the sun (guilty it is damn hot out there)
13. wear an open face and visor free helmet, thus making driving in the rain a blinding experience (guilty)
14. own and wear a huge raincoat that covers you and all your stuff in shades of orange, green, pink or purple only (guilty mine is pink and green)
18 June 2006
look an airplane
04 June 2006
yes, i look innocent

i love going to ayi shop just down the road, mainly because they give me sweeties and things for free but also they have a sand pit outside that i can play in for hours yeeeahh
nana and mummy went to the shop on saturday night and i found this great new sweetie, its called M&Ms but it is in a little tube that makes a great noise when you shake it. with one in each hand i started to dance round and round the coca cola display, that was fun but then i gave two to mummy and two to ayi and asked (mummy says demanded) that they dance round behind me and i made them all sing "twinkle twinkle little nana"
everytime another grown up came into the shop mummy and ayi stopped dancing but i just kept on going until "mummy, nana needs peepee now!"
so mummy takes my hand and we run out of the shop as she starts to pull down my pants i say "no mummy, nana can do it!" so i do then squat down at the side of the road to pee pee but then it wasnt a pee pee i needed it was a poo poo!
so i am squatting outside of the shop with my bumbum up in the air pushing like mad and mummy says "tiana, is that a pee pee or a poo poo?" i say "poo poo pee pee mummy" so i do a really big poo poo and then realise that i need a tissue and start shouting "tissue mummy TISSUE!" so mummy has to run into ayis shop again get a tissue while my bumbum is still pointing up in the air by the side of the road next to this huge poo!
when we were leaving the shop later mummy said she had to have a beer before she went to bed cause she was really tired, i dont know why!
my dancing hat
11 May 2006
a good read
mummy doesnt like dusting because.....
10 May 2006
so busy
08 May 2006
happy song

i like to sings songs
my favorite songs are twinkle twinkle, ali bali bee, itsy bitsy spider and ten tiny peas. i was singing a song in the car for mummy and daddy it goes like this
(please feel free to sing along)
nana happy happy happy hahah happy
mummy ha ha happy happy happy
daddy happy happy happy ha happy
everybody happy ha ha happy
add in everyones names and sing it to them
08 April 2006
30 March 2006
we did lots of things
27 March 2006
what a week

oh what a wonderful week i have had!
on saturday night, i woke up at 11pm cos i could hear voice in my house, after mummy came up twice and tried to make me go back to sleep, she gave up and took me down stairs. guess who was there? grannie and grandad! yeahhhhhhh
sunday morning and it is my birthday! i can sing the whole song all by myself, me and mummy danced for ages in the morning before my friends came over to help us party
15 March 2006
09 March 2006
i have 6 pairs of sunglasses
01 March 2006
new words!
near our house there is a BEAUTIFUL (yes i can say that) WATERFALL(and that too). sometimes i see BUTTERFLIES and i love pictures of DINOSAURS and i like CATERPILLARS too.
at bedtime mummy lets me play for 5 minutes by myself and and i was reading my book "the bears picnic" mummy reads it to me every night and i mean every night since we went to thailand and i think it is the best book in the world ever. sometimes i let her read me another book but well if it isnt the bears it just isnt bedtime!
this is how it sounds when mummy reads the first page
Mother Bear, put your apron away
We are going to go on a picnic today
Where are we going on our picnic Dad?
To the very best place in the world my lad!
when i read it, it sounds like this
mummy bear pu you pron away!
we going picpic toooooo day
where going picpic dad?
to best best world my lad
when mummy heard me reading it she was very very surprised cos she hadnt realised that i was listening every single time she read it to me, and she didnt know that i have remembered the whole book, but i still like her to read it to me, sometimes it just isnt bedtime unless mummy reads the bears
night night everyone, night night toes
24 February 2006
microphones are cool!
chinese new year dance!

outside my great grandads' house at chinese new year, there was this great stage, with lights and music and people watching and lots of people clapping their hands, so i took advantage of it, to show off my funky dance moves and to let everyone hear my great singing!
everyone clapped even harder and mummy said there must have been 200 people watching, i dont know how many that is cos i can only count up to 10
10 February 2006
the week from hell!
mummy has no money cos she hasnt been working for a month(chinese new year) and so she went to teach one of her friends classes. with gak away and vuvu busy that means i have been going to school from 8.30 am til daddy comes and picks me up at 5.30!
mummy told me all about her week:
monday she goes to school to find out the kindergarten class she is meant to be teaching has doubled in size, with lots of 2 and 3 year olds in it, and all the 5-6 year olds as well. so there is a lot of noise, no other teacher in the school and all the kids have to listen to my mummy (i think she should go to school with me) there is only enough books for a quarter of the class, and half the class dont speak any english anyway (whats wrong with them? i can speak english and chinese and i am not even two yet)
the second day she gets a brand new student that is 7 years old and has ADD (attention something or other) who rips up the other kids books, paints on the walls and rips down all the art on the walls, walks out of the classroom when ever he feels like it and the only word he can say in english is NO!
by wednesday mummy looks really sad and tired but she is trying her best i am sure
thursday comes and on her way to school she stops to get a coffee and as she pulls in to 7-11 another lady on a scooter rams her bike and knocks her off! the lady started shouting at my mummy in taiwanese and mummy just stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish, then the lady drove away. mummy went into 7 bought coffee and sat on her bike having a cry. mummy is ok there are no cuts or scratches but she couldnt sleep thursday night cos her neck was really sore and she was sick cos her head hurt so much
friday mummy got smart and took a video to school with her and the kids all watched it!
and oh she didnt get paid today like she should of and has to go back to the school on monday!
we are both very glad it is saturday tomorrow. anyone want a pancake?
25 January 2006
ooops i ate it all
so after breakfast i decided that i would wash my hair, i took my bottle of bubbles, opened them and poured them all over my head and said "mummy, nana wash hair!"
"Mummy ouch eyes! AAARGGHHHH WAAAAAA"
mummy came running picked my up and put my head under the tap in the kitchen to get the bubbles out, how can anything that is so pretty by so paaaaaain full!!!
mummy said that we could go to the shop to buy something nice (chocoleee) to cheer me up, so i put my shoes on, still crying a little bit, and my coat and we went out for a walk, well mummy walked, i was carried. when we were nearly at the gate of the complex, i saw the meow meow, and told mummy "mummy buy fish, meow meow eat fish, nana go shopping!"
at the shop the Ayi there, offered me some chocolee and told me not to pour bubbles on my head, but i said NO meow meow eat fish, nana buy fish, so mummy bought tuna and we went to look for the meow meow
meowmeow liiiiie, meow meow come ere! well she didnt want to come here so mummy and me opened the fish and sat down and mummy threw some to the meow meow but she ran away
mmmm fish mummy nana eat fish! so i ate alittle bit, yumyum mummy, i ate some more, "more pleeeease mummy" mmmm more more more more moremoremore and then the meow meow came back and there was no fish left so i said to mummy
"bye bye mummy, nana go shopping buy fish, meowmeow eat fish!
16 January 2006
how could i forget shoes!
when mummy is taking me out for a walk she says tiana go get your shoes, yeeehaaa shoes! i go put on my shoes and then i bring mummy her shoes, i dont understand how shoes can be wrong but mummy was wearing her jeans and big fluffy socks and i brought her the shoes that she wore for her wedding, i thought they looked great with the blue fluff coming out from between the silver straps
shoes at McNono (McDonalds) are great cos all the big brothers and sisters have to take off there shoes to go play on the slides so there is always heaps of shoes for me! sometimes i like to put them in the box but most of the time i love to try them on and walk around (slowly)
well on no school day mummy and gak and me went to McNono and i found the nicest, sparkliest, big girl shoes there. they were pink and had a little heel and sparkles and Wow i loved them, i walked around showing them off for everybody. it was great, they were the best shoes ever! so i played forages like this and then the big sister came to sit next to me and was asking for her shoes! then her mummy started shouting at her cos they were going home and i would NOT take off her shoes! finally my mummy came and took them off of my feet WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i am heartbroken!
the important things in life
when i got up this morning i really really really wanted to drink my chocolee milk from my babys' bottle but mummy said the bottle was in the car and that daddy had taken the car to work this morning cos it was raining and that i could have it in one of my cups! well i dont want a cup! no mummy i dont want the cup with handles, no not the pink one either, NO not the green one I WANT THE BABY BOTTLE so mummy suggested the dollys' baby bottle mmmm ok
clothes are important just now, i HAVE to chose my own clothes and put them on myself or i wont put any on at all, so on friday when gak and steeeve were coming to take me out i decided to wear:
long sleeved white tee shirt
short sleeved orange, pink, red and yellow chinese style tee shirt
one green sock
one orange sock
a cream skirt with little red roses
lilac trousers
purple and pink hat with fluffy tassles
blue gloves
and pink sunglasses
i looked great!
oh and fish sweeties
fish sweeties are really really really important! mummy keeps them in a big jar and they are golden little pearls of juicy fishiness! mmmm yum yum mummy! mummy says that they are NOT candy and that they are Cod Liver Oil tablets?? but i know that they are candy and i want more! mummy says its not nice hugging or kissing a baby that stinks of fish but i love them! more pleeeease mummy!
04 January 2006
bloody minded
my favorite breakfast is porridge of course, so mummy cooks some for me, puts raisins in and then i sit down and watch the "wiggles" and eat my porridge
i dont let mummy help and i dont want her to sit next to me, it is my breakfast not hers! so she sits me on a towel and leaves me to it, i am not quite sure what the the towel is for but i have to make her happy sometimes
ok i admit is porridge is hard to wash out of my hair, but it feels great on my face and neck, and i think it looks good on my jimjams
so when breakfast is finished mummy insists i get washed and dressed, but i insist that i pick my clothes myself, or i will scream and scream!
this morning i got dressed nearly all by myself (shirts are still hard) so i put on my big girl pants, then i put on my pink trousers, then i put on my lilac trousers, mummy helped me with a lilac shirt but i wanted the orange and red one, so she helped me with that too, then i put on my socks - one pink one and one orange one, then i was cardi time and i thought that the peach and white cardi was just what this outfit needed, then my yellow hat and i am all ready to go!
mummy and gak said i looked like a refugee - dont know what that is but i look great!
cooking for mummy
mummy was doing her emails the other morning and i decided to cook an apple for her. so i brought her little bits of apple in the pot and spoon fed her some and said "mummy nana cook! mummy eat apple" so like the good mummy she is she ate it all up
so i made some more and she ate that up too "good mummy"
then the pot was empty and i left it in mummys' hand and went to get the apple "wait mummy, nana cook apple"
so i brought back the apple and showed her how i was cooking
i take big bites of apple, chew them up into small pieces, spit them into the pot and then spoon feed them to mummy
after she had seen my cooking she didnt want to eat any more, i dont know why? its her fault she wont let me have a knife