i love going to ayi shop just down the road, mainly because they give me sweeties and things for free but also they have a sand pit outside that i can play in for hours yeeeahh
nana and mummy went to the shop on saturday night and i found this great new sweetie, its called M&Ms but it is in a little tube that makes a great noise when you shake it. with one in each hand i started to dance round and round the coca cola display, that was fun but then i gave two to mummy and two to ayi and asked (mummy says demanded) that they dance round behind me and i made them all sing "twinkle twinkle little nana"
everytime another grown up came into the shop mummy and ayi stopped dancing but i just kept on going until "mummy, nana needs peepee now!"
so mummy takes my hand and we run out of the shop as she starts to pull down my pants i say "no mummy, nana can do it!" so i do then squat down at the side of the road to pee pee but then it wasnt a pee pee i needed it was a poo poo!
so i am squatting outside of the shop with my bumbum up in the air pushing like mad and mummy says "tiana, is that a pee pee or a poo poo?" i say "poo poo pee pee mummy" so i do a really big poo poo and then realise that i need a tissue and start shouting "tissue mummy TISSUE!" so mummy has to run into ayis shop again get a tissue while my bumbum is still pointing up in the air by the side of the road next to this huge poo!
when we were leaving the shop later mummy said she had to have a beer before she went to bed cause she was really tired, i dont know why!
aawwww Nana you are so sweet and beautiful, Gak misses you more than she dare think about.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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