I thought that I would write you a letter this week my little princess about how funny, sweet, loving, imaginative and utterly frustrating you are!
You have had such a big personality for such a long time, that I would not have believed it getting any bigger but oh silly me you are getting a huge personality and not just one I may add but several people seem to live in your amazing imagination.
Every morning now as you wake up, you tell me who are today, the day starts like this "good morning mummy, my is princess fiona ok" and god help me if I dare to call you tiana by mistake. The clothes that you wear are dictated by which princess you are today and I need to make sure that all your dresses are clean, because the distress it causes if you cant have the perfect princess dress is just not funny! Although you have been known to wear the perfect princess dress either wet or dirty, if there was no other option!
Last night when we were hanging out by the pool with our friend Lisa, you enchanted us with your stories about your two baby rabbits, that have been following you around since grandad was here. Apparently they are pink, eat grass and cant swim. They have their own little imaginary cases to carry them in and as they are so heavy I have to carry them for you.
Your memory astounds me! Today walking by the pool, you looked into the cafe area and said "oooh mummy member Gak and Steve has a party there and daddy coming too, and daddy is Santa Claus" I nearly fell off my feet, Tiana darling that is 11 months ago, I thought two year olds couldn't remember what happened yesterday!
You are incredibly observant, and mirror everyone in your life with scary accuracy! One day this month you looked up at me with your little finger extended and said "look mummy, my is kinda like daddy" and then proceeded to pick your nose! You sound like me and are always playing little teacher, ordering your daddy and me around with your teacher voice. The kids in class are so sweet and follow your orders like you are just an extension of me

All your stories start with "Once up on a time, there was a little girl" even when the story is about a lion or an elephant.
The other morning you were melting down for no apparent reason, those are the meltdowns I find hardest to deal with as there seems to be nothing I can do to help, and I said to you "oh sweetheart, its confusing being two sometimes isn't it" and you looked up at me and said "mummy you sound like Gak!" then went off to play.
You talk in your sleep, I think because there are not enough hours in the day to do all the talking you want to do. I love hearing you switch from English to Chinese and back again when you are sleeping, maybe your dreams partners don't understand what you are saying and you have to make yourself doubly clear.
Bedtimes have become increasingly interesting, as your capacity of coming up with good excuses has expanded with your language skills. You always seem to start simple with things like "read me another story" or "mummy my is hungry" or "mummy my needs a drink of water" when those fail to work you get a little more imaginative. "mummy my baby rabbits are outside" or "listen mummy! That's my airplane coming. My have to go to Thailand now, bye bye"
I love the way when you don't want to do something you say "but mummy my washed hands already" or "mummy I was sleeping already, now it is time to wake up" of "mummy I finished eating already"
After you came home from a week in Thailand with your Gak and Uncle Steve I kind of hoped that my breast feeding career was over, but in the car on the way back from the airport you put your little hands on my chest and said "boobie now ok", then later that night in bed when you had drunk your fill you laid your head on my breast and said with such love and passion "ohhhh, I love you, boobie" I knew it was far from over. I really never expected to be breast feeding you 4 months before your 3rd birthday.
Well, my little darling, I find you amazing, funny, bizarre and fulfilling. I will try to write to you again soon
All my love, always
1 comment:
awww. smooch!
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