"I can do it myself" has been your favorite for a very long time, and today you proved it.
You had a pair of scissors and were cutting up loads of paper and making snow, then you came over to where i was sitting and said
"Look mummy I cut my hair myself"
"Arrrrgh" I cried
"I don't want to show you" you said, covering your forehead
"What about the back bits?" I said
"Oh, I tried mummy, but the long bits wouldn't work!" (phew)
Then you showed me the front of your hair proudly

You will always be cute darling, but this is not your best hair day!
Once my three year old daughter shaved off one eyebrow. I was in A STATE for days. She wanted to mimic her father and managed to grab one of his razers.
Thank goodness (a) she didn't cut herself... She did a pretty good job actually, and (b) eyebrows grow back when kids are young.
Hair traumas seem to run in the family. Your Grandma once was so jealous I was going to Scotland without her she cut my fringe almost to my scalp, it looked awful for months.
Your Auntie Yael came home one day with her beautiful waist length black hair shaved off and replaced with a blonde "Grace Jones" style with tramlines down each side.
Your slight accident with just a little bit of your hair I am sure will be repeated in the future with much more dramatic effect.
Maybe I should send you some blue hair dye!
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