22 September 2006

wow i have been in taiwan for nearly six years

can you believe it? i have been here 6 years on the 10th of october!! bloody hell, how time flies when you get older hehe

so today, i took the class to cheng ching lake park for a morning out, we all had a great time, and as we were walking up to the upper play park area i saw something move near our feet!

it was an Asiatic Cobra, can i just say that again......... we nearly stepped on A COBRA!!!!

i have been here 6 years (did i say that already) and for the first time in all that time i saw a snake and nearly stepped on the fecking thing!

so we backed off slowly, with me wishing i had shoes on instead of sandals, and watched this hooded beauty rear up and spread its hood (i am pretty sure we were out of striking distance by then) watch us for a minute or two and then slither, slide and make lots of S shapes into the ditch, we followed it (not too closely) for about 5 minutes

what an amazing site to see!


Anonymous said...

You should see the size of ours, baby! Must be the season for 'Cobras meeting the people' - like the British politicians do every May. Last Saturday morning we woke up to a metre long cobra skin in our back garden- it's good to know we have friends in this world. We'll send a pic, so we can join the Cobra Clan!
Love Steve and Kate, Phuket, Thailand.

Anonymous said...


I bet the cobra saw you and thought no, better not, she is one feisty lady.

6 years, wow, that means it's 5 years at the end of October since we visited first time. Who would have thought then that you would have a gorgeous hunk for a husband and a little darling for a daughter.

How do you follow that?

