30 June 2006
mummy bought me a little kids toilet seat to put on the big toilet so now i dont just have to use the potty i can be a big girl too. mummy helps me by holding on to me so i dont fall off
silly mummy forget sometimes and goes to the toilet all by herself, but most of the time i remind her and say
"wait mummy, nanas coming, help you ok?"
"ok" says mummy
i hold on to mummys' knees and say
"its ok mummy nanas got you. hold on mummy dont fall off. be careful ok?"
23 June 2006
how to look taiwanese on a scooter!
1. look at my cousins' hilarious "how to look italian on a moped" on her blogspot all of her points apply www.rebelyael.blogspot.com
8. wear your shirt or coat back to front, i have no idea why but most people do it (not guilty)
9. carry as many people as possible, this means two adults, up to four children, only the driver is wearing a helmet, and possibly add the family dog (guilty of two adults, one child but all were wearing helmets)
10. move large, awkward and cumbersome items on your scooter, included and manditory are fridges, tvs, couches, gas bottles, replacement windscreens for your car and just about anything else you can think of (guilty of the tv and fridge oh and a huge potted plant that i couldnt see around)
11. livestock (or deadstock), upside down still living chickens in bunches of two or three on each side, a whole pig, dead (thankfully), small dogs must be carried int he basket in the front (not guilty on any charge)
12. if you chose to stop at a red light(optional) always stop under the nearest tree to the traffic light, rather than anywhere near the traffic light, thus avoiding the sun (guilty it is damn hot out there)
13. wear an open face and visor free helmet, thus making driving in the rain a blinding experience (guilty)
14. own and wear a huge raincoat that covers you and all your stuff in shades of orange, green, pink or purple only (guilty mine is pink and green)
18 June 2006
look an airplane
04 June 2006
yes, i look innocent

i love going to ayi shop just down the road, mainly because they give me sweeties and things for free but also they have a sand pit outside that i can play in for hours yeeeahh
nana and mummy went to the shop on saturday night and i found this great new sweetie, its called M&Ms but it is in a little tube that makes a great noise when you shake it. with one in each hand i started to dance round and round the coca cola display, that was fun but then i gave two to mummy and two to ayi and asked (mummy says demanded) that they dance round behind me and i made them all sing "twinkle twinkle little nana"
everytime another grown up came into the shop mummy and ayi stopped dancing but i just kept on going until "mummy, nana needs peepee now!"
so mummy takes my hand and we run out of the shop as she starts to pull down my pants i say "no mummy, nana can do it!" so i do then squat down at the side of the road to pee pee but then it wasnt a pee pee i needed it was a poo poo!
so i am squatting outside of the shop with my bumbum up in the air pushing like mad and mummy says "tiana, is that a pee pee or a poo poo?" i say "poo poo pee pee mummy" so i do a really big poo poo and then realise that i need a tissue and start shouting "tissue mummy TISSUE!" so mummy has to run into ayis shop again get a tissue while my bumbum is still pointing up in the air by the side of the road next to this huge poo!
when we were leaving the shop later mummy said she had to have a beer before she went to bed cause she was really tired, i dont know why!