26 July 2010


Driving through Kaoshiung city the other day Tiana said "Mummy I feel like a DVD"

Mmmm, I always try to figure out what is going on before I answer and sound stupid so I think for a few second, come up with nothing and say

"Mmm, okay, why?"

"Because people are always watching me!"

Fountain of wisdom

Okay so mummy's friends wasn't very happy the other day so here is what happened. Everyone was trying to make her see how cool she is, and how much we like her/love her, how pretty she is etc and nothing was working, she was still crying and so it was my turn.

I took her by the hand and led her to the fountain and said "take of your shoes, roll up your pants and put your feet in the water" she did what she was told.

"Close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, breathe, and feel the spirit of the water talking to you"

After a little while, she stopped crying, hugged me and told me I was absolutely right, and I am of course!