04 June 2009

Summer letter

Dear Tiana,

It is way past time to write to you again, I am sorry for my infrequent letters but I will do my best now.

You are now wonderfully 5! A big girl, you tell me, as you wait for your baby teeth to fall out and your face to change to match your attitude!

You have decided that being an only child is just fine by you as "My baby sister would need me to look after her all the time, and would push me when she wanted to play with my toys and you would have to look after her too, which means you would have less time for me. Aaand she would cost a lot of money and your money would get lesser and lesser, so I think just me is ok!" Well thanks for considering me in all that and I am glad that you know which side your bread is buttered on.

You have a new best friend, KaiWen, and you two just love each other! Her mummy is an American and daddy is Taiwanese, just like you, so you seem to have more in common (like choosing which language you want to play in, and you are both totally gorgeous). You have had sleep overs at her house and she has slept at yours (half her toys are here and half of yours are at hers, same goes for clothes and underwear). You have spent hours and hours together in the pool playing all sorts of games and you have given her the confidence to be in the pool without her mommy. I would like to recount for you a conversation I overheard you two having:

"Tiana, this is THE bible, which means God wrote this book!" said Kaiwen
"It is A book, Kaiwen, God didn't write it, people write books" you said
"But everything in here is true, and you have to believe it" she said
"You can believe what you want to believe" you said
"But the devil can get you if you don't believe it!" she said
"Not if you don't believe in him!" you said

I never thought I would sit and listen to a 5 year old and a 7 year old have such a deep religious philosophical conversation on the couch.

We had a wonderful weekend down by the beach this last week, all of us together staying in a little hotel across from the beach. You fell in love with the hotel as soon as we walked in and didn't really mind if you went to the beach or not after that, and were happy to lounge on the giant bed, read stories to your Barbies, draw pictures, write notes and watch TV. I forced you out of the hotel as the afternoon wore on to get some beach time, a swim and something to eat. You have a new swimsuit that you wanted to show off, so off we went to give it it's first public performance. You were very sad the next day when we left the hotel, I think you would have liked to live there forever.

You would like to get another pet now, but until you make up your mind and stop changing your mind everyday,I will hold off. You started out wanting a cat, then Kaiwen's kitten scratched you and meowed all night, you changed your mind. Then it was a puppy, and I pointed out that we have a dog Pumpkin, and you don't like walking her, feeding her, and she doesn't chew your toys, or bite you (even when you sit on her or dress her up) you changed your mind once more. Next came a hamster. Then daddy told you that they only wake up at night, and that you would have to keep it in your bedroom because Pumpkin might think it was a tasty snack, and you realised it might keep you awake at night, you changed your mind once more. Maybe you will settle for a fish, which is about all the extra responsibility I can handle right now.

Well darling, I love you, and am amazed by watching you grow so fast.