at lunchtime yesterday it started raining like mad, not just cats and dogs but cows and elephants too!
mummy tried to go back to her school after lunchtime but she couldnt get out of the road because there was suddenly a river where the road used to be!
mummy asked a-bei at the little shop to help come pick me up (he has a big jeep) so off they set at 2:45 to drive the six minutes to my school, after taking more than hour and about 10 miles of back roads all blocked or getting blocked with water and rivers mummy decided to walk the last mile
mummy walked through waist and chest deep water trying a few different roads that were impassable til she finally found a way to my school, the principle was very surprised to see her as none of the other parents had made it there, and the teachers had started making dinner for everyone and laying down beds and blankets for the night
mummy bundled me up and carried me out of the school, i thought it was great all this water everywhere, people walking and pushing their scooters, me dangling my feet into the water, and laughing at the bubbles mummy's legs were making
mummy walked home the long way round because she knew some of the roads where still open on the way down might still be open on the way back
we sung songs all the way home including "i hear thunder, i hear thunder boom boom boom, can you see the lightman? can you see the lightman? boom boom boom"
all in all mummy did a good job and once we had gotten away from our school area the water was much shallower, only coming up to her thighs most of the time, we got back to a-beis shop and told him we were ok, he had had to get out of the area as it was getting to bad, with concrete blocks being pushed down the road by the water, and was surprised to see us so soon
we got home at 5:30 and daddy didnt get home until 9:30 after the rain had stopped and the floods had gone down a bit
mummy went to bed with me after we had mopped up the ground and fourth floors, she said she was really tired and that it was the best work out she had had in months!