11 May 2006

a good read

i really love sitting on the potty and reading my book while i wait for a pee pee or poo poo to come

mummy doesnt like dusting because.....

she would rather be painting pictures like this one or playing with me or going for a walk or going for a ride on our two people bike or even going to the dentist

10 May 2006

so busy

sorry i am too busy to play now, i have to listen to music, visit my friends and make a mess in the house

08 May 2006

happy song

i like to sings songs

my favorite songs are twinkle twinkle, ali bali bee, itsy bitsy spider and ten tiny peas. i was singing a song in the car for mummy and daddy it goes like this
(please feel free to sing along)

nana happy happy happy hahah happy
mummy ha ha happy happy happy
daddy happy happy happy ha happy
everybody happy ha ha happy

add in everyones names and sing it to them