mummy hasnt been very happy this week, and neither have i!
mummy has no money cos she hasnt been working for a month(chinese new year) and so she went to teach one of her friends classes. with gak away and vuvu busy that means i have been going to school from 8.30 am til daddy comes and picks me up at 5.30!
mummy told me all about her week:
monday she goes to school to find out the kindergarten class she is meant to be teaching has doubled in size, with lots of 2 and 3 year olds in it, and all the 5-6 year olds as well. so there is a lot of noise, no other teacher in the school and all the kids have to listen to my mummy (i think she should go to school with me) there is only enough books for a quarter of the class, and half the class dont speak any english anyway (whats wrong with them? i can speak english and chinese and i am not even two yet)
the second day she gets a brand new student that is 7 years old and has ADD (attention something or other) who rips up the other kids books, paints on the walls and rips down all the art on the walls, walks out of the classroom when ever he feels like it and the only word he can say in english is NO!
by wednesday mummy looks really sad and tired but she is trying her best i am sure
thursday comes and on her way to school she stops to get a coffee and as she pulls in to 7-11 another lady on a scooter rams her bike and knocks her off! the lady started shouting at my mummy in taiwanese and mummy just stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish, then the lady drove away. mummy went into 7 bought coffee and sat on her bike having a cry. mummy is ok there are no cuts or scratches but she couldnt sleep thursday night cos her neck was really sore and she was sick cos her head hurt so much
friday mummy got smart and took a video to school with her and the kids all watched it!
and oh she didnt get paid today like she should of and has to go back to the school on monday!
we are both very glad it is saturday tomorrow. anyone want a pancake?