when i go to sleep at night it is really important that i say night night to all the important things in my life, so here is my bedtime routine
first, i take off all my own clothes
second, milk machine runs some warm coffee into the bath for me and adds bubbles
third, i wash myself, my mummy, my dollies and anything else i can fit into the bath, somethimes my clothes, sometimes mummys clothes, my teddies, the toilet paper, and ohhhh i can open the shampoo bottles and make more bubbles yeaaah and have a swish(swim) in the bath
then, i get out of the bath, brush my teeth ALL by MYSELF!
then, into bed for a book, a snuggle and of course a boobie from mummy
then comes the important part night night time
n'night mummy
n'night daddy
n'night gannie(she is in scotland i know but she still needs to hear it)
n'night ganda(he is there too)
n'night vuvu(my other gannie)
n'night book
n'night dolly
n'night gak (Great Aunt Kate)
n'night uncle steeeeeve
n'night mooooon
n'night doggy
n'night stars
n'night trees
n'night coffee
n'night bubbles
n'night teeth
n'night mummys hair
n'night nanas hair
n'night shoes
oh n'night socks
n'night daddys shoes
n'night fish
n'night meow meow
n'night mummy
then she switches off the lights
n'night lights